What would you do if you could create your own job?

If money was not a factor and you were able to cover all your expenses and you were told that you could create your own job, what would you choose to do?  Well I know what my dream is and what I want my job to be.  My husband and I are very drawn to healing crystals we have a very nice collection. I have become certified as a Crystal Healer, and a Reiki Grand Master and I am working on becoming a Certified Aromatherapist, I am looking at using these and other skills I am acquiring and trying to become more proficient at to open and run a Wellness Center/Spa/Metaphysical Store. If there is a way to include all of the above into one business that is our goal. Being my own boss, having and running my own business has always been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember.

I realize that a lot of people want to have and run their own business so that they can set their own hours and not have to answer to any one but themselves or their partner(s) (if they have one).  Some are stay-at-home parents that want to work from home to be able to spend quality time with their children, still others have issues with being able to obtain and hold a job because of legal matters or poor work history.

And then there are those like myself that have disabilities. Whether the disabilities are physical, mental or both. I have lower back issues and have had 3 back surgeries in the last 10 years including a back fusion surgery and came out of that surgery with nerve damage, I also deal with Migraines as well and then I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. So in cases like mine it is nearly impossible to find work that I can do, because of the limitations I have and I am sure that others have their limitations also. And the other thing that affects the ability to get employment is the medications many people have to take in order to deal with their illness(es). So self-employment is where many of us can shine if we are willing to take the chance, and have the ideas and creativity to have a product and/or services that people need or want.

We just need to put it out to the universe that we are open and willing to receive their inspiration, gifts and guidance to make our dreams come true and to make our businesses successful. But the most important thing that will make us successful is a belief in ourselves and that the universe will never give us more than we can handle, but we have to remember that the universe is not just going to give us everything wrapped up in a pretty bow. We have to do our part. We have to do the research. We have to seek out suppliers. We have to do the work necessary to make things happen.

For those of us with disabilities, being able to run our own businesses is a blessing as it allows us to be able to work around Dr’s appts, bad days (symptoms wise), and any other issues that may arise.  Namaste and Blessed Be.

